Successfully Added to Cart!

Student Information

        "types": [
        "vendors": [
        "products": [
        "title": "NOTICE 注意事项",
        "content": " All goods will be delivered to school, not your house address. ++所有衣服都将送到学校由老师分发给学生。"
        "types": [
        "vendors": [
        "products": [

        "title": "NOTICE 注意事项",
        "content": " 缺码的目前在加急补货中。++显示缺码的码数,如果能下单付款,仓库会预留产品,将于{12月初}补发。++给您带来不便,非常抱歉。"

        "types": [
        "vendors": [
        "products": [
            "p001553" , "p001554" 

        "title": "NOTICE 注意事项",
        "content": " {预购期已结束。The pre-order period has ended. ++预计出货时间 Delivery Time(Around):2024年12月18日}++++* 若定制生产过程中出现不可控意外情况,实际出货时间可能会有延误(7-14天),望谅解!++* If there is an uncontrollable issue in the production, the actual delivery time can be delayed (7-14 days). Thank you for understanding.++++库存销售时间请留意学校通知/产品页面通告。++Please pay attention to the school notice or the announcement in the product page for the remaining inventory sales time."
        "types": [
        "vendors": [
        "products": [

        "title": "NOTICE 注意事项",
        "content": "   {预购期已结束。The pre-order period has ended. ++预计出货时间 Delivery Time(Around):2024年12月28日}++++* 若定制生产过程中出现不可控意外情况,实际出货时间可能会有延误(7-14天),望谅解!++* If there is an uncontrollable issue in the production, the actual delivery time can be delayed (7-14 days). Thank you for understanding.++++库存销售时间请留意学校通知/产品页面通告。++Please pay attention to the school notice or the announcement in the product page for the remaining inventory sales time."
        "types": [
        "vendors": [
        "products": [
            "p001446" , "p001445" 

        "title": "NOTICE 注意事项",
        "content": " * 如有缺库存的码数,建议选择其他码数或其他颜色。++*For sizes sold out, you can choose polo shirts in other sizes or colors."
        "types": [
        "vendors": [
        "products": [
            "p001540" , "p001539"  , "p001530" , "p001529"  , "p001528", "p001527"

        "title": "NOTICE 注意事项",
        "content": " * 定制名称格式:名+姓的首字母,例如:EASON C++*Personalized Name : First name+first letter of surname,++ for example: EASON C "