
Throwing and Catching

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    Student Information

            "types": [
            "vendors": [
            "products": [
            "title": "NOTICE 注意事项",
            "content": " Winter Tracksuit Pants will send out {on November 8th}. ++冬装运动长裤{11月8日}按订单顺序进行发货。"
            "types": [
            "vendors": [
            "products": [
            "title": "NOTICE 注意事项",
            "content": " All goods will be delivered to school, not your house address. ++所有衣服都将送到学校由老师分发给学生。"
            "types": [
            "vendors": [
            "products": [
            "title": "NOTICE 注意事项",
            "content": " Preorder will go until {9:00am, 4/11/2024}. Deliveries will arrive by {14/11/2024}. All goods will be delivered to school, not your house address.  ++ ++此商品的预售期截至{2024年11月4日 9:00am},预计{2024年11月14日}送达学校,所有衣服都将送到学校由老师分发给学生。"